Indoor THCA flower is extremely popular these days, as indoor cultivation gives growers maximum control over things like temperature, humidity, light cycle, etc. – all things that determine the quality of the final product. And, one thing we all know about THCA flower is that it’s actually getting you high on delta 9 THC, since THCA converts into THC when heat is applied – as it is through, say, smoking flower buds, vaping the flower, or cooking/baking with it and eating your homemade edibles.
Indoor THCA flower, therefore, leaves the body with delta 9 THC in its system, and long after the high wears off, there are still traces of the cannabinoid in the body. Let’s talk about how long THCA flower can actually last in the system, which is especially important to be aware of if you’re going to be tested for marijuana use sometime soon.
Indoor THCA Flower is a newer psychoactive product that has been found to stay in your system from anywhere around 3-14 in the body before being completely gone. If you are taking a drug test, we recommend refraining use of THCA Flower.
How Long is the Actual High of Indoor THCA Flower Going to Last for?
Before we dive into the topic of how long THCA flower usage can be detected in the system after the high wears off, we need to cover how long the actual effects of THCA flower can last. Keep in mind that indoor flower doesn’t last longer than any other type of cultivation technique.
With that being said, on average, the high of THCA flower can last for 2-3 hours, about. Of course, this applies to when the flower is smoked or vaped, as this is true of all inhalable products due to how they’re absorbed into the body. If you’re making edibles with your indoor THCA flower, then the effects can last for up to 8 hours, as ingesting the flower introduces an entirely different process of absorption into the bloodstream.
Product on saleTHCA Pre-Rolls – 3-Pack/6-Pack$31.99
How Long After the High Will Indoor THCA Flower Last in the Body?
Remember, any time we use any form of THC, like when we partake in some THCA flower, our body converts THC into THC-COOH as part of the metabolization process. For the first half hour or so of being high, 50% of that cannabinoid metabolizes into THC-COOH, and then another 25% after the next half hour. What remains for a much longer period of time is that remaining 25%, which can be picked up on a drug test.
Just how long THC-COOH stays in the body can vary quite a bit, too. It depends on factors like how much of the flower you’ve consumed, how frequently you consumed it, how much THCA was in that particular strain, and how your unique metabolism functions. Because of this, THC-COOH can last in the body for anywhere from a couple of days to about 6 weeks.
Product on saleTHCA Flower$27.99
How Does This Apply to Drug-Testing?
Again, THCA converts into delta 9 THC when it’s heated (like through smoking, vaping, or cooking), and delta 9 THC converts into THC-COOH when it’s absorbed into the system and goes through the body’s metabolic process. THC-COOH is what a drug test is usually looking for, rather than the actual THC itself or traces of marijuana.
That’s because THC-COOH lingers in the system for longer, giving a clearer picture of the test recipient’s history of usage. Now, we can look at the different kinds of drug-testing methods that are used in the USA, which could potentially show that indoor THCA flower is still in the system.
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Method #1: Urine Tests
Most of the tests administered are urine-based tests, which look for THC-COOH in a person’s urine. A urine-based test is easy to administer, and it’s inexpensive. It can show results dating back to a few weeks of previous use.
Method #2: Saliva Tests
A saliva-based test is only going to show whether or not a THCA substance was taken in the last 10 hours. Often used by law enforcement, it’s the most common test for someone suspected of driving while intoxicated.
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Method #3: Blood Tests
A blood test is used to determine whether or not a person is presently intoxicated, as once the THCA hemp substance leaves the blood, the high is over. This type of testing method is usually performed in hospitals.
Method #4: Hair Tests
Hair strand tests look for evidence of THCA substance usage, but only 3 months after the substance was last taken, as it can take 90 days for evidence to appear in the hair strands. It’s a method most often used in autopsies.
Method #5: Perspiration Tests
A perspiration test involves the application of a patch to the individual’s skin for two weeks, where THC-COOH may be released through a person’s sweat. It’s a method most often used for clinical research due to its invasive and expensive nature.
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What Actually Affects How Long We Can Test Positive After Using Indoor THCA Flower?
If you’re wondering what specific factors are going to determine how long you may test positive for after using indoor THCA flower – or any THCA flower, for that matter, these would be the ones to take into consideration.
Factor #1: Frequency of Taking It
One major factor is how often you use THCA flower, because THC-COOH metabolizes at the same speed regardless of how much is in your system. If you were, say, smoking indoor grown buds multiple times a day for a couple of weeks or longer, there’s going to be quite a traffic jam of THC-COOH in the system that can take a few weeks to finally clear out. If you’ve taken it one time in the last month, chances are it cleared out of the system a couple days after.
Factor #2: Your Last Dose
The last time you used indoor THCA flower obviously matters too. Even heavy users can likely be clear of THC-COOH after a maximum of 6 weeks. If it has been several weeks since the last time you had any flower, your chance of passing a drug test is really good.
Factor #3: The Strain
Different strains have different amounts of THCA in them – anywhere from roughly 10-30% – and so the amount of THCA in that particular strain plays a role, too. The higher the concentration of THCA in the strain you were using, the more that THC-COOH is going to accumulate over time.
Product on saleTHCA Pre-Rolls – 3-Pack/6-Pack$31.99
Factor #4: Your Metabolism
As it turns out, some people just metabolize and clear our certain THCA substances faster than others, based on the physiological factors of their body. How much water you drink, how much you exercise, how balanced your hormones are, and even how well your immune system functions can all have an impact.
Basically, It All Really Depends
The bottom line is that THCA flower can last in the system for anywhere from a few days to multiple weeks, and there are all kinds of variables that go into determining that length of time. The good news is that if you’re not going to be getting drug-tested soon, it doesn’t really matter, anyway. So, feel free to enjoy your indoor THCA Flower from Bloomz, assuming you don’t have a drug test coming up any time soon.
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