When it comes to growing THCA flower, today’s farming world offers more methods and options than ever before. Once upon a time, farmers were stuck with one choice: to grow outdoors, and thus, be at the mercy of mother nature. Naturally, for cannabis to yield high-quality buds, you need to know that the plant is getting proper sunlight, humidity, heat, water, and nutrients.
Many of these factors are unpredictable due to the whims of the great outdoors, but two alternatives are now widely utilized by cultivators big and small: indoor growing, and light deprivation. We will be comparing them today in order to help you understand what each method has to offer.
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A Quick Overview on THCA Hemp Flower in General
“THCA hemp flower” refers to the raw cannabis buds that have not been decarboxylated. These buds will contain a high concentration of THCA and lower levels of THC. Basically, THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in raw and live cannabis plants.
As the cannabis plant matures, THCA slowly converts to THC, the main psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana consumption. However, before the plant is exposed to heat (i.e., during smoking, vaping, or cooking/baking), much of its THC content exists in the form of THCA.
What is Indoor Grown THCA Flower?
Indoor THCA Flower growing is a relatively new method made available only through the development of specialized, accessible equipment that controls indoor environmental variables like light exposure (through sun lamps), temperature, humidity, and more. It requires a space big enough to house the desired number of cannabis plants, and knowledge of how to use that equipment to best support the development of high-quality THCA flower buds.
Indoor THCA growing naturally comes with the advantage of giving cultivators complete control over the outcome of their yield. We know that certain environmental factors have a huge influence on the development of cannabinoids and terpenes, as well as the size of the buds, the flavor, and more. Controlling that environment down to a tee offers better assurance that the cultivator will end up with premium, potent THCA buds.
Growing THCA Flower indoors also offers protection against common outdoor issues that could damage or entirely wipe out a cycle of crops. You don’t have to worry about extreme weather, and the risks of pests and diseases is vastly minimized. Meanwhile, indoor growing allows the cultivator to grow year round, rather than having to wait for the right season.
Of course, indoor growing comes with a few drawbacks, like any method. One is that you need space, and not everyone has indoor space for growing. Secondly, you need to know how to use your equipment, because failing to maintain the ideal indoor environment can be more detrimental to the final THCA product than simply growing one’s crops outdoors, and letting nature do its thing.
Key Pros:
- Maximum control over environmental factors, leading to better-quality flower.
- Protection from pests, severe weather, and disease.
- Perfect for those who don’t live in an ideal growing climate.
- Allows for year-round growing.
Key Cons:
- Requires indoor space.
- Requires an upfront investment in equipment.
- Requires excellent knowledge of how to use equipment and provide the plants. with the precise environmental conditions that they need.
What is Light Dep THCA Flower?
Another option for better control is THCA Flower light deprivation – aka “light dep”. This is a pretty new method that’s already become hugely popular. Light deprivation is for outdoor and greenhouse growing, as it involves depriving the plants of natural sunlight at different times, while indoor growing provides light through sun lamps. Therefore, light deprivation is ideal for those who want to control the actual light cycle of the plants, but otherwise want to grow flower either outdoors or in a greenhouse.
Basically, not every climate is ideal for growing flower in terms of its light cycle and seasons. Plants naturally begin flowering at the start of fall, as the reduced hours of sunlight trigger blooming. But, many people live in environments where fall brings a big drop in temperature that can harm the plants before they get a chance to yield healthy THCA flower buds. Besides that, by going with the natural light cycle of the seasons, you get one chance to harvest your crops each year.
Light deprivation corrects this problem by offering a simple approach to artificially reducing light gradually before the autumn season kicks in. It simply requires covering your plants with a tarp earlier and earlier each evening, to mimic the way in which the sun sets earlier and earlier as we move into the autumn season. This tricks the plants into flowering early, so you can harvest those THCA buds pretty much whenever you want.
Key Pros:
- Perfect for outdoor or greenhouse cultivators.
- Offers a quicker harvest time.
- Ideal for those who live in areas where autumn brings weather that’s incompatible with cannabis growing.
- Requires no complicated equipment – a light-blocking tarp does just fine.
Key Cons:
- Only works for people who live in locations where cannabis grows easily outdoors.
- Smaller plants result from shorter growth cycles.
- If you live in a hot and/or humid environment, covering the plants at night can trap heat and humidity, to the detriment of the plants.
- Requires a very strategic hand to properly mimic the natural sunlight cycle during the transition into fall.
Indoor Growing and Light Deprivation: Two Great Ways to Enjoy Better Control Over Your THCA Flower
Indoor growing and light dep THCA Flower growing are two different methods that correct the same underlying issue: a lack of control over the conditions to which cannabis plants are exposed to when grown outdoors. And, the big determining factor between which one is ideal comes down to the region in which the plant is being grown.
In summary, Indoor THCA Flower growing naturally comes with the advantage of giving cultivators complete control over the outcome of their yield with accessible equipment that controls indoor environmental variables like light exposure (through sun lamps), temperature, humidity, and more. While Light Dep THCA Flower deprives the plants of natural sunlight at different times, while indoor growing provides light through sun lamps. Therefore, light deprivation is ideal for those who want to control the actual light cycle of the plants, but otherwise want to grow flower either outdoors or in a greenhouse.
Bloomz THCA Flower is indoor-grown, as this gives us full control over our final product. As a result, our indoor and boutique flower products are extremely potent, flavorful, and visually stunning, resulting in outstanding, premium quality that our customers are certain to enjoy.
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